
Parents of OnlyFans Murder Suspect Get Themselves Dragged into Her Mess


It’s been a lil while but remember that white girl who was accused of fatally stabbing her Black boyfriend? Yeah. Well, it seems her parents just got swept into her murder case after prosecutors found they held onto some evidence.

Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested in Texas on Tuesday and charged with “unspecified out-of-state” felony charges and are being held without bond by Travis County Sheriff’s Office, according to CBS News. Court records show the warrant for their arrest came out of Miami. TMZ reports that Mr. Clenney went back to clean up the apartment where his daughter, Courtney, allegedly stabbed her boyfriend Christian Obumseli to death. However, the report says he’s accused of retrieving a laptop belonging to Obumseli that wasn’t turned in to the police.

It’s unclear what Mr. Clenney did with the laptop or if he tampered at all with its contents as he and his wife’s charges have not been revealed. However, their attorneys said they were “surprised” at the arrest and accused the prosecutors of misconduct.

“We believe the Clenney family has been targeted with some trumped-up charges to discredit them in the press and make their lives miserable. It stinks of a power play by prosecutors to control the narrative. This Thursday, the State is seeking a gag order in the case. Now they’ve gone after Courtney’s Mom and Dad in such a way that requires them to spend considerable time in jail without bond,” read a statement from Clenney’s family attorneys.

This arrest comes almost two years following the fatal April 2022 incident. Courtney Clenney maintains that she defended herself with a knife after being physically assaulted by Obumseli. Evidence released to the public suggests the two had a mutually abusive relationship. An elevator camera caught the two physically fighting one another. Body camera footage from responding officers captures Clenney pleading her case after the manager called the cops on the couple. One recording captures Clenney hurling racial slurs at Obumseli

Clenney faces second-degree murder. Now, her parents might wind up in her mess.

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