Man Picks Up Pained Stray That Ran For Days And She Melts In His Arms

A stray dog, that looked more like a polar bear than a pup, was seen wandering in the woods by a woman who desperately wanted to help her. But the dog was frightened and had no intention of getting caught. The woman, named Sarah, chased her for hours until the dog was too worn down to keep going.

When she was finally cornered, Sarah called her husband over to pick her up. The poor girl had a hard time walking and needed to go to the vet. Even though she was only 2-3 years old, the doc said her hips were in terrible shape. But that didn’t stop the couple from falling in love with the dog they named Jolene.

Sarah explains in the video that Jolene is madly in love with her husband. In fact, even the first time he picked her up, and she had no idea who he was and what was going on, she simply melted in his arms. Jolene knew that this man was her soulmate.

Soon Jolene met their other pup, Hannibal, and you seriously can’t get enough of their combined fluffiness. When they play together, their parents say they’re having a “floof off!” ADORABLE! Check out the video below to experience the family’s heartwarming connection.
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